Invitation to All Members to Attend A Rules Seminar Conducted by Trish Nance
TUESDAY, 23 JULY 2024 AT 12.30 PM IN THE GIBSON ROOM (1 – 1.5 hrs depending on questions)
Trish Nance has agreed to share her extensive golf rules knowledge with all club members and will be conducting a Rules Seminar with the support of Golf NSW and its resources.
This is open to ALL club members. Trish will also be taking questions and we ask that if you do have any specific questions you send them to me by email at lumleypatricia1@gmail.com and I will pass them on to Trish.
In order to accommodate numbers, there is an Intention to Attend sheet on 3 notice boards:
- Immediately above the scanners
- In the Men’s locker room
- In the Ladies’ locker room
Please put your name on the list as soon as possible.
There will be an evening event run later in the year in daylight saving time.
Patricia Lumley
Ladies Captain