Congratulations Sudhir Gosh
Congratulations to Sudhir Gosh who was recognised for 50 years of membership at last nights AGM. Sudhir joined the Club in February 1974 and has served on the Board during 2004 – 2007, as well as being on the house and greens committees. Sudhir is 93 years old and still playing regular competition golf. He is currently the second oldest playing member in the Club. Congratulations Sudhir!
Congratulations Vicki Silver
Congratulations to Vicki Silver who was awarded Club Person of the Year! Vicki has been instrumental in looking after the Monday Vets since she took over this volunteer position in 2017. This competition was primarily designed for those members who wanted to maintain an interest in golf and its camaraderie, but felt they were unable to compete over 18 holes. At the time Vicki took over the competition consisted of 16 – 20 players each Monday. Over the years Vicki has built up the competition to regularly attracting 40 – 50 players. Many of these members have been Club members for over 30 years and thru the Monday VETS they have been able to maintain a connection to the Club and their friendship group, when ordinary they would have cancelled their membership. Many names will be familiar including Roger Martin, Frank Ryan, Trevor Bissett, Margie Horne and Mary Mason to name a few. Over the past 7 years Vicki has planned and run this Monday competition including introducing many novelty events, arranging events as shotgun starts, picnic days on course and events in the Clubhouse when the course was not available; catering for birthdays; Christmas party days etc. These different types of events all require instructions and Vicki has them typed up and ready to go before hit off, as well as being there to answer any questions. Given the age of the members involved it often takes a great deal of time and patience on Vicki’s behalf. In 2019 Vicki introduced the opportunity for this group to book in via the computer time sheets. Because many of these players do not have access to computers, Vicki organises groups and books in at least half the players every week. For those players with a GA handicap, their handicaps are automatically adjusted, but for those without a GA, Vicki maintains a “domestic” handicap, which is updated after each event. Vicki also ensures all results are sent to the newspaper. If this sounds like a lot of work, it is! Vicki is available to players at all times and nothing is too much trouble. One such example was when former member David Haynes had a stroke, she was keeping in touch with David and his family, keeping a connection with the Club and checking in. Vicki has created a family culture within the VETS and they all love her. It is for these reasons that Vicki Silver is Club Person of the year.
Congratulations Sudhir and Vicki!