Dear Members,
Please see correspondence from Carnarvon Golf course who have issued a petition for support opposing the conversion of their course.
You can read about the proposed conversion and the petition below.
Wednesday 22nd January 2024
Dear Coffs Harbour Golf Club
The future of Carnarvon Golf Club, a cornerstone of our community for many years, is under threat. A recent proposal to convert parts of our course into cemetery space would devastate our club and the broader golfing community. This proposal threatens the preservation of our facilities and the continuation of golf at Carnarvon, a club with a rich history and strong ties to the local community.
I assure you that our lease has a remaining term of 10 years, securing our use of the course and facilities for the foreseeable future. However, we are committed to doing everything within our power to prevent this proposal from progressing and ensure that Carnarvon Golf Club remains a vital part of the golfing and Club landscape for generations to come.
We have engaged our local Member of Parliament, Lynda Volts, who has been highly supportive of our efforts. We are also actively speaking with other key stakeholders including our local Council, Golf NSW and the PGA as well as community leaders to build a strong coalition against this proposal.
As part of this effort, we are reaching out to fellow clubs to ask for your support and the support of your members. A petition opposing the conversion of the course is currently active, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could share this with your members and encourage them to sign. Every signature counts, and a united voice from the golfing community will send a powerful message.
You can find the petition here:
At Carnarvon, we remain fully committed to maintaining and improving Carnarvon Golf Course, a vital part of our community. By standing together, we can ensure the preservation of green spaces and the future of golf in our communities.
If you would like to discuss this matter further or explore additional ways your club can support this effort, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or 0411 110 690.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Adam McGregor
General Manager
Carnarvon Golf Club
ABN 57 000 854 544
65-95 Nottinghill Road, Lidcombe NSW 2141
Phone: 9649 6255