Australian Women’s Classic Update

Australian Women’s Classic Update

Following the extended wet weather the LET have made some changes to the event. The event will now be shortened to a 54 hole tournament Friday – Sunday, with the cut made on the Saturday night. As such Thursday will now be a practice round and we won’t require volunteers for the course. Driving range and players lounge will be open. An updated roster will come out tomorrow once we have made the required changes. These changes will include the Saturday as it is now a full field and two tee start. So please check your allocated duties and times as they are likely to have changed.

Volunteers Still Required

Members who haven’t volunteered and wish to, we are still looking for help including caddies. If you can help out, can you please register by clicking HERE

The good news is the weather is looking a lot better later in the week and we are excited to have some world class golf played at Coffs Harbour.