13th Green Update
Dear Members,
Please see an update from Matt about the 13th Green below –
The 13th Green will be open on Thursday 20th February.
The opening of the green has been delayed in preparation for the Men’s Club Championships, leading into the week long Australian Womens Classic, followed by NSW All Inclusive Tournament, Ladies Club Championships and Australian Taxi Association Week of Golf. This is to ensure we have the green in the best possible condition we can for the entire reconstruction to handle a heavy volume of golf straight away.
By bringing the green into play earlier than full establishment we risked causing possible prolonged damage, a risk and further set back we weren’t willing to take considering the amount of golf that is fast approaching.
The green surrounds and fairway approach will be top-dressed on Tuesday 4th February to level the surface and allow us to maintain our height of cut of 10mm.
The green has had weekly fertilizer and pesticide applications during establishment and has been hand top-dressed on 3 occasions to level out where the putting surface had settled out lower than anticipated after construction.
Currently the green is being mown daily at 4.25mm and rolled 3 times week with our greens roller.
Our greens height of cut over the coming weeks will be closely monitored and adjusted accordingly depending of turf health and conditioning.
We thank your members for their patience during the renovation process.